While poking around on Facebook and LinkedIn, we were led to a Facebook user called InfoDataHouse (https://www.facebook.com/InfoDataHouse/info). Something about the name sounded familiar.
Their address, as listed on their web site is 2500 CityWest Blvd.,Suite 300 Houston, TX. Well, that just happens to be the address of virtual office space for rent by Regus. It’s not a real office address.
The InfoDataHouse web site claims they have 1100 employees “worldwide.” If they’re a big and real company, why are they not showing the address of their big corporate headquarters in Houston?
Additionally, the registration of their website’s domain name is anonymous at the time of this writing. The web site is hosted at Hurricane Electric right now, as are many domains held by the India-based Data Champions / Sloan Marketing B2B scam and spam group.
It turns out that we discussed some of the fraudulent LinkedIn profiles belonging to this InfoDataHouse / InfoDataGroup / InfoDMail / IDH group a while back at www.b2b-bl.com/?p=194. Commonly, the phony resumes for these phony people read more like advertisements than resumes.
These fake LinkedIn profiles sometimes connect with each other, and occasionally recommend each other, to give the appearance that they are real persons.
We went back to LinkedIn to refresh our memory, and noticed that one of this fake company’s “employees” has changed its name and photo… When we last looked, the LinkedIn page at www.linkedin.com/in/infodatahouse belonged to a phony “Eden Hazard, Sr. Manager at InfoDataHouse,” with a profile photo stolen from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eden_Hazard .
Now, www.linkedin.com/in/infodatahouse belongs to a new fake profile, decorated with a different stolen photo. The new title here is “David Benteke, Sr. Manager at InfoDataHouse, Plano, Texas, and the photo on profile page is stolen from clip art. You’ll find this photo used on other web sites, such as at at www.morigontech.com/company and www.lumension.com/itgrc-software/IT-risk-manager.aspx.
A few other “employees” of this fake company as recently found on LinkedIn:
- Doug Sardella, Data Licensing Specialist at IDH
www.linkedin.com/pub/doug-sardella/49/432/523 - GERARD ROBINSON, Sales Director at Info Data House(IDH), Plano, Texas
www.linkedin.com/pub/gerard-robinson/50/817/674. The photo for this profile also appears on Twitter profiles for “RoyMCurtis” and “Avi Dorfman.” - charles watson, Sr Business Development Manager at Info Data House (Plano, Texas)
Of course, these profiles and their photos may change quickly…
They even have a forgettable little blog at infodatahouse.blogspot.com….